From 10 May 2010,the project “Street Sports & Media
Diversity” had passed from the stage of planning to preparation stage, beside
the assurance stage of a corresponding visibility. After the Press Conference
of project’s launching, the young people from
four participating countries had made a real promotion campaign of
initiatives which will be sustained within the youth exchange.
All these actions which we can find under the concept of
preparation had been accompanied of other preparatory activities like: round
tables/discussions meetings of the activities program, of the rules, of the
security and protection measures; meetings of accountability of
the participants, in case which the young people had become more aware of the
project’s theme and what involves to be a participant within the youth
A very special and important moment of
the preparation stage has been made because of the Advance Planning Visit. The
Action , held between 15th and 17th June 2012 had
reunited in Ramnicu Sarat the leaders of those four groups from Romania,
Turkey, Latvia and Lithuania who managed in this short period to make a direct
first contact between this four different backgrounds. The purpose of this activity, beside the
thematic one, is the one of socializing and creating a new environment of
mutual understanding and knowing each other better.
The arrival of the participants had been
made on 15th June, because on 16th June all the group
leaders had to discuss to try to succeed and manage the general case of
project’s implementation and to give it
an important dose of objectivism, beginning with the essential aspects
of the project.
The first part of the day was dedicated
to youth exchange details discussions. The action was held at Milion Complex.
Therefore, the leaders had to discuss about the details: Rules, groups and
participants, Activities’ Agenda, specific details of the project,
accommodation, meals and transport, responsibilities, financial part,
visibility and preparatory activities, implication in each stage of the
project, the promotion of the Programme
“Youth in Action”. This first part had been finished by an asking session, so
each aspect to be found discussed.
After lunch, has been made an activity
for evaluate the mode of corresponding the project’s details and the obtained
discussions of each leader from APV. With this occasion we could observe the
fact that the enthusiasm and the optimism represented the principal elements in
project’s approach because the feedback forms sent us this state.
The second part of the day had continued
by recognition actions of the implementation zone, presenting the terrains and
fields where the activities will be held during the exchange. Also, the young
people realized thematic visits with the purpose of knowing better the
backgrounds, to explore our local treasures and to increase their cultural
heritage. They had visited : Municipal Museum, Culture’s House, The Town Hall, and
the residence of our town’s volunteers Youth Center F.O.R.T.E.S. Ramnicu Sarat.
The visits made in these locations had offered to the leaders the chance to
know the ones that lead our town, the Mayor Viorel Holban and The Vicemayor
Sorin Cirjan, both of them supporting the volunteers and the youth movement.
The group leaders also met the director of the Culture’s House, Mrs. Violeta
Vilcu, and the director of the Municipal Museum, Mr. Marius Neculae.
The day had been finished with a night
out, where our group leaders had been socializing, bonding friendships, met new
young people and made themselves known as they managed to promote at the same
time the “Youth in Action” Programme.
The last day of the APV had a character
more formal because it was dedicated for the latest contacts and discussions,
but also, the leaving of the participants to their countries.
The APV stage had represented an
essential pylon of resistance for the “Street Sports & Media Diversity”
project, an important point on establishment map, of first intercultural
contacts and also, an assuming moment of new perspectives and responsibilities which
will be added to the practice during the youth exchange held between 23rd
and 30 July 2012.
Florin Ceparu
bravo Cepy your the best man,good luck in the future :)