After the
first two days of amplifying the relations between participants, the 3
day has represented a real tour of sport activities. The morning of the day
debuted through a football workshop prepared by Turkey participants. First off
all, an activity presentation was realized, then we did some heating exercises
and after that we divided in four mixed groups that managed to show us the
advanced football abilities.
originality element was constituted by the composition of the teams, because
the division was an equal one as number of boys and girls. In spite of the
mixed character, each part has tried to value very well the practical abilities
for this sport, with team spirit and fair play.
The results
of this activity were represented by the establishment of new collaborating
relations, adequate communication and team spirit. Regarding the developed
communication in this period of the activity, we can say that it was a verbal
and non verbal one, the gestures, the mimics, which were ways often used in the
communication process of sport.
The following
activity, “Foot Tennis “ had a strong non formal character because the
participants improvised the net with some benches arranged one on the other.
The activity revealed the young participants with good mobility, with important
abilities for practicing this sport, actually a new one for them, a great
communication and a special team spirit. An extremely important role was occupied by the project’s
team, the one who managed to assure the needed resources for the activity
development , to assure the arbitration of the football games and the raising
of a propitious framework for the activities.
The local
mass media, the TVSAT 2002 television assisted to the development of the
activity and admired our initiative taking pictures and shootings for the
evening news edition. They took us interviews and they interviewed the
participants too, talking about the details of the implication process in the
Back to the
hotel, the participants developed an important intermediate evaluation activity,
that had an informal and non formal character. Placed in a circle shape, the
participants, had their chance one by one to express the first conclusions of
accommodation, meal, organization, activities and used methods.
A special
attention was addressed also to the mention of expectations that youths came in
for the following activities days, for the strong aspects of the project and
for the aspects that in their vision needed improvement . The evaluation has
been realized within some fun, non formal games that wanted to reveal first of
all the interpersonal connection and the project theme.
At the end of
a day full of sport activities, the spreading of cultural and historical
elements made by the Turkey and Romanian group conducted to the creation of a special intercultural mix. The ones that
opened the night were the young participants from Turkey, who showed us
projections of the principal towns from
their country, but they also showed us some wonderful , traditional dances full
of messages and feelings. The traditional Turkish food, especially the sweets
and desserts brought from their country made the evening a delicious one !
Next, the Romanian participants showed too some traditional dance moves and
elements of gipsy dances. Each group, Romanian and Turkey prepared souvenirs,
traditional food, videos and specific Romanian drinks.
conclusion of this day, full of movement and sport, was represented by the
process of awareness of practicing sport importance that the participants
shared in a common background.
impressions : “ Football represents a very appreciated sport in Turkey, that
our boys are practicing it and I am very happy because they had the opportunity
to practice it in Romania too. The sport theme raised our attention, especially
the attention of the Turkish group to come in Romania and to be a part of this
project, so we are very happy. But being also the activity that we’ve been
preparing since we were in Turkey, like we had established in the APV stage, we
got ourselves inside it because we didn’t want just to practice the game, but
to prepare it and I think that what we had done it was a good thing. I liked
actually pretty much the idea of mixed groups, made of girls and boys at the
same time. It is an ingenious idea, not used too often by the other, so that’s
why I find this activity so special. I saw in each participant’s look from my
group the joy of playing football, of doing what you really like to do and I am
convinced that they really, really enjoy being here !”
Irem Deniz
Derman – Participant,Turkey
hurry up guys ! With a little bit of motivation everybody went to the bus
laughing and excited to start the day with some football matches! While we
were on the field, we thought that maybe some energizers will do the work and
everyone will feel prepared to play. We chose to play with animals’ sounds, to
have confidence in ourselves, to gain trust from the others and to have fun
seeing everybody smiling. After this energizers we made the team...and
actually, I was happy to see that girls are so interested in playing football.
A boy from each country chose their players and they started with the girls.
Maybe not all the girls and the boys knew how to play football, but everyone
around could have seen the joy in their eyes and the happiness that they shared
during the football match. It wasn’t a competition.. it wasn’t at all,
because the boys knew how to play football with girls, to pay attention to
every move, without shouting at the others, without mean words and without
envying the winners. The international teams composition was:
Winners - Baki (cap.), Dima (goalkeeper), Players: Barbara,
Aliana, Beata, Maria, Fatih.
- Maris Veveris (cap.), Rafal
- Jaroslav Doda (cap.), Oguzhan
- Robert Masoit (cap.), Deni
Maria Constantinescu